Our purpose

The Canadian English Proficiency Program Centre was created to:

Offer preparation services for the
CELPIP™ English language profciency test

Our facilities, management, staff, and client convenience make us the most viable solution to your English-language learning needs.

Our test preparation services will help you with your English language test. You can rely on us any time you need to prove your language proficiency: Work, Study, Permanent Residence, or Citizenship.

Our excellent staff

Experienced Teachers

Our teachers possess the following skills.

Diverse backgrounds

Our teaching staff come from these areas.

Dedicated Staff

Our staff are always available in these times.

Facilities and Environment

With State of the Art learning facilities and professional environments,
you can be assured complete satisfication.

Interactive Learning

Our teaching staff will coach you one-on-one to improve your English speaking, writing, reading, and understanding.


Using your smartphone or computer, you can learn using these apps/sites to improve outside of the classroom.

High Tech facilities

Our on-site facilities boast the following learning aids.

Classrooms and Lecture Halls

Here are our classrooms.

Conference Rooms

Here are our Conference rooms.

Exam Halls

Here are our Exam Halls.

Made for your convenience

Public Transport and GTA

Here are links to how to reach our location.


How to find nearby available parking.

Additional resources

Additional electronic resources.